The Bioeconomy sector is a pillar of the EU New Green Deal and the EU Climate strategy: the bio-based Energy and Transport Fuels will cover a relevant part of the future green energy mix in the EU and abroad, providing also grid and energy system balancing services. The increased amount of Variable Renewable Energy, namely PV and Wind, combined with the new opportunities offered by innovative technologies as Power to X (PtX), open new opportunities for bioenergy vectors and biorefining processes. Notably, the sustainable supply of advanced feedstocks combined with innovative conversion processes has also the potential to contribute the improvement of the sustainability of the whole agricultural sector, already heavily impacted by the effects of the climate change. Well designed bioenergy chains will be able to improve soil fertility (such as through digestate and biochar), provide organic nutrients, and thus support food, feed and fuel production without consuming additional land. These chains will support the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, providing solutions to the broader agricultural context and going beyond the energy sector only.
The EUBCE is the place where these matters are discussed by experts, academia and companies, and where innovative ideas and industrial initiatives are presented.
Dr. Ing.David Chiaramonti, PhD
Full Prof of Systems for Energy and Environment “Galileo Ferraris” Energy Department, Polytechnic of Turin | President of RE-CORD (Renewable Energy COnsortium for R&D)