Scientific Publications and Partner Journals
The EUBCE – European Biomass Conference aims to increase the number of conference papers submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals. We offer the opportunity for selected submissions to be considered for publication to Biomass and Bioenergy, Energies special issue, Sustainability and BIOfpr.
These publications reflect the commitment to increase the quantity of high-quality, peer-reviewed papers and to expand the fields, providing several publication options. With high-impact factor journals and Open Access opportunities.
Selection: The EUBCE Scientific Committee with the support of the Executive Committee members will evaluate and recommend around 200 abstracts to submit full papers for peer review by the respective journals. The peer review process will be handled independently by the journal, and accepted papers will be published in addition to being included in the EUBCE Conference Proceedings. Published papers will carry a note indicating that the results were presented at the conference.
How to Participate: If you wish your abstract to be considered for journal publication and peer review, please indicate your preferred journal(s) during the submission process in the User Area. You may select multiple journals, or opt for no preference, to maximize your chances of selection. While we will consider your preference during the evaluation process, we cannot guarantee placement in a specific journal.
Please note that if your abstract is selected, a full paper must be submitted well before the conference. To be eligible for consideration in the journal review process, abstracts must be a minimum of 3-4 pages in length. Kindly ensure that your submission meets this requirement for proper evaluation.