ETA Florence Renewable Energies (ETA Srl) has been envisioning, transforming, and accelerating green innovations for over 26 years.
During that time, ETA has delivered over 300 successful projects, 250 events, and 200 scientific publications. These deliverables have enriched renewable energy technologies, digitisation, energy efficiency, integrated energy systems, and more – all in support of the EU’s targets for climate neutrality.
ETA has proven its ability to understand the policy developments and funding opportunities resulting from the EU New Green Deal and how these can be applied to accelerate outcomes for all parties. – Towards this aim, ETA is currently involved in several Horizon 2020 funded projects and has a long-standing track record for collaborating with the European Commission, national bodies, international organisations and industry.
ETA’s core services support the development, execution, and exploitation of renewable energy projects. More specifically:
As a technical expert, ETA manages and executes R&D&I – from techno economic feasibility studies to market and policy gap analyses. ETA is also a consortium partner of the European Technology and Innovation Platform (ETIP) on Bioenergy, an associated member of EERA Bioenergy, and a consortium partner of Re-Cord.
As the leader of communication, dissemination, and exploitation work packages, ETA creates all assets; identifies opportunities for knowledge transfer; and organises small to large scale events (from workshops to international conferences). ETA serves as communication and service provider for IEA Bioenergy and European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP).
As a natural convener of stakeholders, ETA manages platforms fostering collaboration between relevant actors (from private sector experts, to large corporations, public institutions, and academics). Such as Advanced Biofuels Coalition (LSB) and Italian Sustainable Agrivoltaic Platform
As an event organiser, ETA flawlessly pulls together global events, and was quick to effectively adjust to a virtual reality in response to the COVID-19 need for physical distance. ETA organises both the in-person and online European Biomass Conference and Exhibit – with an official programme coordinated by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre and participants from over 80 countries and Photovoltaic Forms and Landscapes event series.
As part of its publication services, ETA has established collaborations with several international journals and also founded BE-Sustainable Magazine – an international publication disseminating the latest on bioenergy and bioeconomy – which have been used as tools to highlight EU funded R&D projects.
In summary, ETA’s mix of technical, strategic, and communications experts; need-based support; influential network; and decades of experience are able to transform environmental challenges into market opportunities by efficiently bridging the gap between research and exploitation at scale. Since its inception, ETA Florence Renewable Energies has demonstrated its commitment to gender equality in the energy and sustainability space, as such we actively seek and encourage exceptional women to join our team and lead our projects.