See who attended

Status of 11 July 2024

2BS, France  •  Aalborg University, Denmark  •  AAMF, France  •  Aarhus Universitet, Denmark  •  Aarhus University, Denmark  •  AB group, Italy  •  AB Impianti, Italy  •  ACTIVON, South Korea  •  ADANTE, Slovakia  •  ADEME, France  •  Administración Nacional de Combustibles, Alcoholes y Portland, Uruguay  •  Advanced Materials Research Center, Mexico  •  Adven, Finland  •  AEE – Institute for Sustainable Technologies, Austria  •  afd, France  •  Agence Française de Développement, France  •  Agir pour le Climat, SER Consultant, France  •  AGRANA Research & Innovation Center GmbH., Austria  •  AGRICO B M Z MEK, Morocco  •  Agricultural Research Council, South Africa  •  Agricultural University of Athens, Greece  •  Agricultural University-Plovdiv, Bulgaria  •  AgroParisTech, France  •  AIMPLAS, Spain  •  Air Liquide, France  •  Air Liquide Forschung und Entwicklung, Germany  •  Aitiip, Spain  •  Aix-Marseille Université, France  •  Ajou University, South Korea  •  Ajou University, Korea  •  AJW, Inc., United States of America  •  Aksa Akrilik Kimya Sanayi, Turkey  •  Algerian Consulting Group, Algeria  •  AlgoSource, France  •  Alrene, Germany  •  AM Green, India  •  American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates  •  Anaero Technology Ltd, United Kingdom  •  ANDRITZ, Finland  •  Anhui BBCA Biochemical, China  •  ANR, France  •  ANTARGAZ, France  •  Anticor Chimie, France  •  Appropriate Rural Technology Institute, India  •  Aragon Institute of Technology, Spain  •  Arbiom, France  •  Arcelor Mittal Maizières Research, France  •  Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece  •  ARVALIS, France  •  Asahi Quality and Innovations, Japan  •  Associação BIOREF – Laboratório Colaborativo para a Biorrefinarias, Portugal  •  Aston University, United Kingdom  •  AUA, Greece  •  Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico  •  Avantium, The Netherlands  •  AVANZARE Innovacion Tecnologica, Spain  •  Axens, France  •  B.R.C, Korea  •  B100 Consulting, France  •  Bangladesh Open University, Bangladesh  •  Bara Consultants, South Africa  •  BASF, Germany  •  Bauhaus Luftfahrt, Germany  •  Bavarian State Institute of Forestry, Germany  •  Bayerische Landesanstalt für Wald und Forstwirtschaft, Germany  •  BBCA  Group, China  •  BEES, France  •  Beijing Haixin Energy Technology Co., Ltd, China  •  Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China  •  BEST – Bioenergy and Sustainable Technologies, Austria  •  BEST Associates, India  •  Beston Group, China  •  BESTON GROUP CO., Ltd, China  •  BHARAT PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED, India  •  Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, Belgium  •  Bio360 Expo, France  •  Bio-Based Energy Technologies, Greece  •  BioCirc, Denmark  •  Bioeconomy for change, France  •  Bioenergy Europe, Belgium  •  Bioenergy Research Center, South Korea  •  BIOETHANOL France, France  •  Biofabrik, Germany  •  Biofuelcircle Pvt Ltd., India  •  Biofuels Digest, United States of America  •  Biofuels International, United States of America  •  BIOFUTURE Platform, United States of America  •  Biogas & Gases Technologies, Spain  •  BIOMAC Project,   •  Biomethane Industrial Partnership, Belgium  •  BIOS Bioenergiesysteme, Austria  •  Bioterra Energy, Luxembourg  •  BIOTRANSFORM Project,   •  Biovala, Lithuania  •  BIP – Biomethane Industrial Partnership, Belgium  •  BNDES, Brazil  •  BODUN, China  •  BOKU University, Austria  •  BPC Instruments AB, Sweden  •  BPCL Corporate R&D Centre, India  •  Braskem Netherlands, The Netherlands  •  Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Material, Brazil  •  BTG Biomass Technology Group, The Netherlands  •  Buhler AG, Switzerland  •  BUTTERFLY Project,   •  C2Biotrade, Colombia  •  C2Biotrade, Norway  •  CAC International, China  •  Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco  •  Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Morocco  •  Carl Zeiss AG, Germany  •  Catholic Kwandong University, South Korea  •  CBE JU – Circular Bio-based Joint Undertaking,   •  CEA – Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, France  •  CEDER-CIEMAT, Spain  •  Cedre, France  •  Celabor, Belgium  •  Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece  •  Central Mining Institute-National Research Institute, Poland  •  Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan  •  Centre de Développement des Energies Renouvelables, Algeria  •  CEPSA, Spain  •  CERESiS Project,   •  CERTH Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece  •  CERTH/ CPERI, Greece  •  Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden  •  China Tian Chen Engineering Corporation, China  •  Chonnam National University, South Korea  •  Chubu University, Japan  •  Chungbuk National University, Korea  •  CIB-Consorzio Italiano Biogas e Gassificazione, Italy  •  CIEMAT, Spain  •  CIEMAT-CEDER, Spain  •  CIRAD, France  •  CIRIAF – University of Perugia, Italy  •  CITEVE, Portugal  •  Climeworks, Switzerland  •  CMA CGM, France  •  CNPEM, Brazil  •  CNR – Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili, Italy  •  CNRS – Aix-Marseille Université, CINaM, UMR7325, France  •  Coalition for Renewable Natural Gas, United States of America  •  COCPIT Project,   •  CoLAB BIOREF, Portugal  •  College of Agricultural Engineering, India  •  Colombian Sugarcane Research Center, Colombia  •  Combustion Problems Institute, Kazakistan  •  Comité Interprofessionnel du Bois Energie, Déléguée Générale, France  •  Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives, France  •  Commission Transition, énergétique, stratégie des déchets, qualité de l’air, France  •  Concawe, Belgium  •  Concordia University, Canada  •  Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain  •  Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria, Italy  •  Contadero, Mexico  •  Control Union Certifications Germany, Germany  •  Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, The Netherlands  •  CPERI/CERTH, Greece  •  Cranfield University, United Kingdom  •  CREA – Research Center for Engineering & Agro-Food Processing, Italy  •  CRES – Center for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving, Greece  •  CRIEPI, Japan  •  CSIC, Spain  •  Danish Technological Institute, Denmark  •  DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, Germany  •  Deakin University, Australia  •  DEEP Laboratory – INSA Lyon, France  •  Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands  •  Department of Energy, United States of America  •  DESOTEC, France  •  Desotec Activated Carbon, Belgium  •  DTU Chemical Engineering, Denmark  •  E3-Modelling, Greece  •  Eastman Chemical, Belgium  •  Eastman Chemical Company, Switzerland  •  EBA, Belgium  •  EBIO Project,   •  EcoEngineers, Canada  •  EcoEngineers, Poland  •  EcoEngineers, United States of America  •  Ecolabelling Norway, Norway  •  Ecole de Mines ALbi/ ENSCR, France  •  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat, Morocco  •  ECOS, Belgium  •  EDF, France  •  EDF R&D, France  •  EGAT- Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand, Thailand  •  EHOSS, Slovakia  •  Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands  •  Ekotrend, Poland  •  Ekwadraat Advies B.V., Netherlands  •  Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (Headquarters), Thailand  •  ELKE- Agricultural University of Athens, Greece  •  ELLIPSE Project,   •  Elsevier, United Kingdom  •  Empresa de Pesquisa Energética, Brazil  •  ENEA, Italy  •  ENEA – Trisaia Research Center, Italy  •  ENEGY COMMISSION OF NGERIA, Nigeria  •  Energy and Bioproducts Research Institute, Aston University, United Kingdom  •  Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy, Unites States of America  •  EnergyHUB R&D & Technology Corporation, Turkey  •  ENGIE, France  •  Engineers India Limited, India  •  Eni S.p.A., Italy  •  ENIDE Solutions, Spain  •  ENIT, Tunisia  •  ENVIRAL, Slovakia  •  EPFL Valais Wallis, Switzerland  •  ePURE, Belgium  •  ERAIFT, Congo  •  Eramet, France  •  ERANOVA, France  •  ESG & Public Affairs, France  •  Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia  •  ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, Italy  •  ETIA, France  •  ETIP-B2022-2025 Project (ETIP Bioenergy),   •  EU SAF Clearing House, Ireland  •  European Biogas Association, Belgium  •  European Commission, Belgium  •  European Commission DG Research,   •  European Commission, DG RTD, Belgium  •  European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy  •  EVEA, France  •  EXERGIA, Greece  •  Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal  •  Faculté des Sciences Aïn Chock, Morocco  •  Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, South Africa  •  FAU University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany  •  Federal University of Ceará, Brazil  •  Federal University of Itajubá, Brazil  •  Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil  •  Fibenol OÜ, Estonia  •  FIT4MICRO Project,   •  FLEXSNG Project,   •  Floreon, United Kingdom  •  FNR – Agency for Renewable Resources, Germany  •  FOREST4EU Project,   •  Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Germany  •  France Agrimer, France  •  Fraunhofer IFF, Germany  •  Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Germany  •  Free University of Bolzano, Italy  •  Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy  •  French Aviation, Transport & Environnement, France  •  Freudenberg Flow Technologies, United Kingdom  •  Fuel & Chemical Airworthiness Certification Centre (FCCC) of CAAC, China  •  Fundação de Apoio a Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil  •  Fundación CIRCE, Spain  •  FUSP – RCGI – Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Innovation, Brazil  •  FZ Jülich, Germany  •  Galia Slovakia s.r.o., Slovakia  •  GaoKai Shipping Maintenance & Technology Conssulting, China  •  GazoTech, France  •  GBIO/IEE/USP, Brazil  •  Gebze Technical University, Turkey  •  General Secretariat for Ecological Planning, France  •  General Secretariat for Ecological Planning, France  •  GEPEA Laboratory, France  •  Ghent University, Belgium  •  GIDARA Energy, The Netherlands  •  GIFAS, France  •  GIZ, Germany  •  Global Bioenergies, France  •  Global Green Energy Industry Council, Belgium  •  Glówny Instytut Górnictwa – Panstwowy Instytut Badawczy, Poland  •  Godavari Biorefineries Limited, india  •  GOLD Project,   •  Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Japan  •  Graz University of Technology, Austria  •  Greene Enterprise, Spain  •  GREENMEUP Project,   •  Greenvolt, Portugal  •  GTI-Energy, United States of America  •  h.e.l., United Kingdom  •  HAFFNER Energy, France  •  HAIXIN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY INTERNATIONAL PTE. LTD., Singapore  •  Hankyong National University, South Korea  •  Haut Conseil pour le Climat, France  •  HDB Recycling GmbH, Germany  •  Hellenic Petroleum, Greece  •  Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Germany  •  Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom  •  Hiroshima University, Japan  •  Hitachi Zosen Inova, Switzerland  •  HiTES Holding, Germany  •  Hizal Elektronil, Turkey  •  Hokkaido University, Japan  •  hope recycling, Tunisia  •  HSE University, Russian Federation  •  Huazhong University of Science and Technology, P.R. China  •  Hygienix Manufacture Company, Algeria  •  Hyundai Steel, South Korea  •  iAn Capital Oy, Finland  •  IAV HASSAN II/IRESEN, Morocco  •  ICCS, Greece  •  Idener Research and Development A.I.E., Spain  •  IEA, France  •  IEA Bioenergy,   •  IEE Instituo de Energia e Ambiente, Brazil  •  IEE/ USP, Brazil  •  IFEU – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research Heidelberg, Germany  •  IFP Energies nouvelles, France  •  IFP Energies nouvelles, France  •  IFPEN Energies Nouvelles, France  •  IGN, France  •  IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, The Netherlands  •  IISc, India  •  IIT BHU (Varanasi), India  •  IIT Bombay-Monash Research Academy, India  •  IIT Kharagpur, India  •  IJ Commodities OU, Estonia  •  IMIDRA, Spain  •  Imperial College London, United Kingdom  •  IMT Atlantique, France  •  IMT MINES ALBI, France  •  IMT Mines Alès, France  •  Indian Federation of Green Energy, India  •  Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India  •  Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India  •  Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India  •  Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India  •  Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, United States of America  •  Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan  •  INESCOP, Spain  •  Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway  •  INN-PRESSME project, Belgium  •  INRAE, France  •  INSA, France  •  INST, mohali, India  •  Inst. Env. Biotechnology, Austria  •  Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, France  •  Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Canada  •  Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, France  •  Institute for Energy Technology, Norway  •  Institute of Energy and Environment, University of São Paulo, Cidade Universitária, Brazil  •  Institute of Environmental Biotechnology, Austria  •  Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Serbia  •  Institute of Plasma Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic  •  Instituto de Carboquímica – CSIC, Spain  •  Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbono, Spain  •  Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo, Brazil  •  Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal  •  Investment Society Reading, United Kingdom  •  IPT, Brazil  •  IRIG – DIESE – LCBM (UMR n° 5249 CEA-UGA-CNRS), France  •  Istanbul Aydin University, Turkey  •  ITENE, Spain  •  ITG, Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia, Spain  •  ITS, Austria  •  JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Finland  •  JGC HOLDINGS, Japan  •  Jimei University, China  •  Jinan Shengquan Group Share-Holding, China  •  Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft, Austria  •  Jope Recycling, Tunisia  •  Júlio Romano Meneghini Processo FAPESP  2020/15230-5, Brazil  •  Junta de Extremadura, Spain  •  Justus Liebig University, Germany  •  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany  •  KEIT, Korea  •  KelAda Pharmachem, Ireland  •  Khon Kaen University, Thailand  •  King Fahd university, Turkey  •  King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia  •  King Monkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand  •  KIT, Germany  •  Klabin SA, Brazil  •  KOPESS Biomass Solutions, United States of America  •  Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology, South Korea  •  Korea Institute of Civil engineering and building Technology, South Korea  •  Korea Institute of Energy Research, South Korea  •  Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, South Korea  •  Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials, South Korea  •  Korea Planning & Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, South Korea  •  Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, South Korea  •  Korea University, South Korea  •  KRONE Agriculture, Germany  •  KT-DTU, Denmark  •  KU Leuven, Belgium  •  Kufa University, Iraq  •  KVV, karad, India  •  Kyonggi University, South Korea  •  Kyoto University, Japan  •  La Coopération Agricole, France  •  Laboratoire de Génie Civil et géo-Environnement (LGCgE)-JUNIA, France

Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie, France  •  Laboratorio Energia e Ambiente Piacenza, Italy  •  Lakehead University, Canada  •  LanzaJet, France  •  Lappeenranta/Lahti University of Technology LUT, Finland  •  LAQV-REQUIMTE, NOVA School of Science and Technology, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal  •  LECO Europe BV, The Netherlands  •  LECO Europe BV, Germany  •  Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), Germany  •  Leroux et Lotz technologies, France  •  LGRE, France  •  Linköping University, Sweden  •  Linnaeus university, Sweden  •  Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuania  •  LiU University, Sweden  •  LNEG – Laboratorio Nacional de Energia e Geologia, Portugal  •  Long Thermochemical, United States of America  •  Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Sweden  •LUT University, Finland  •  Luxembourg Institute of science and technology, Luxembourg  •  M2ARE Project,   •  M2P2 UMR7340, France  •  Maastricht University, The Netherlands  •  Mae Moh Mining, Thailand  •  Mae Moh Power Plant, Thailand  •  Mahidol University, Thailand  •  Mainz University, Germany  •  Mälardalen University, Sweden  •  Manhammar Consulting, Sweden  •  Manuel Garcia-Perez, Washington State University, United States of America  •  Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States of America  •  Mayor of Marseille, Environment, Pollution Control, France  •  Mayor of Marseille, Responsible for Ecological Transition, France  •  MB Biovala, Lithuania  •  MDPI, Switherland  •  Mexican Petroleum Institute, Mexico  •  MICHELIN, France  •  Michigan State University, Unated States of America  •  MIDAS Project,   •  Ministère de L’agricultureEt de La Souveraineté Alimentaire, France  •  Ministère de l’économie, des Finances et de la Souveraineté Industrielle et Numérique, France  •  Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy, Somalia  •  Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil  •  Ministry of New & Renewable Energy Government of India, India  •  Monash University, Australia  •  Namibia Biomass Industry Group, Namibia  •  NAMICS EUROPE GMBH, Germany  •  Nantes University, France  •  National Agricultural Research Organization, Uganda  •  National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico  •  National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan  •  National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan  •  National Institute of Chemistry Slovenia, Slovenia  •  National Research Council of Canada, Canada  •  National Research Council of Italy, Italy  •  National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Russian Federation  •  National Taiwan University, Taiwan  •  National Technical University of Athens, Greece  •  Natural Resources Canada, Canada  •  N-BiG – The Namibia Biomass Industry Group, Namibia  •  Nestle Research, Switzerland  •  NetCarbon, France  •  NET-Fuels, United Kingdom  •  Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands  •  Neustark, Switzerland  •  NEW WAVE Project,   •  Newcastle University, United Kingdom  •  Newswork, Netherlands  •  NEXH2GEN, Italy  •  Nishal Enterprises, India  •  North China Electric Power University, China  •  North-west University, South Africa  •  Norwegian University of Life-sciences, Norway  •  Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway  •  NOVA School of Science and Technology, Portugal  •  NovelYeast bv, Belgium  •  NSBproject, Italy  •  NTNU, Norway  •  Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany  •  Nuseed, Belgium  •  Nuseed Europe, United Kingdom  •  Oklahoma State University, United States of America  •  Oleon, Belgium  •  OMV Downstream, Austria  •  OÖ Energiesparverband, Austria  •  Opole University of Technology, Poland  •  OQEMA FRANCE, France  •  Oregon State University, United States of America  •  OS – Open Slide & Services, France  •  Oulun yliopisto, Finland  •  Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania  •  OWI Science for Fuels, Germany  •  Pablo de Olavide University, Spain  •  Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland  •  Pennsylvania State University, United States of America  •  Perpetual Next, The Netherlands  •  Peterson Projects GmbH, Germany  •  Petrobras, Brazil  •  Petrobras Global Trading, Netherlands  •  Petrobras Rese, Brazil  •  PHY2CLIMATE Project   •  PMAS-Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan  • Politecnico di Milano, Italy  •  Politecnico di Torino, Italy  •  Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania  •  Polytechnic University of Portalegre, Portugal  •  Polytechnique Montreal, Canada  •  Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil  •  Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru  •  Portalegre Polytechnic University, Portugal  •  Praj Industries, India  •  Professional Agro-Forestry Research firm, Italy  •  PROFIL,   •  PtX Lab Lausitz, Germany  •  Pusan Clean Energy Research Institute, South Korea  •  Pusan National University, South Korea  •  Q-PLAN International, Greece  •  RAGT Energie, France  •  Rainforest Reliance, United States of America  •  RCGI – Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Innovation, Brazil  •  RE-CORD, Italy  •  REFOLUTION Project,   •  ReFuel Solutions, Italy  •  Regen Biofuels, United States of America  •  Reheat, United Kingdom  •  Renewi, Belgium  •  Repsol, Spain  •  Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Innovation – Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil  •  Research Institute of Bio-coke, Japan  •  Research Institute of Medium & Small Shipbuilding, South Korea  •  RISE, Sweden  •  Rivere Capital Co. Limited, United Kingdom  •  RMIT University, Australia  •  RWTH Aachen, Germany  •  S3D, France  •  S3D Ingénierie, France  •  SAIPOL (AVRIL), France  •  Sakarya University, Turkey  •  Santomo Resources Corporation, Japan  •  São Paulo State University, Brazil  •  Sapienza University of Rome, Italy  •  Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bioenergy, India  •  SASTRA Deemed to be University, India  •  Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia  •  SCA Forest Products, Sweden  •  School of Engineering, The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom  •  SCS Global Services, United States of America  •  SEAS, Norway  •  Second Research Institute of CAAC, China  •  SENAI CIMATEC, Brazil  •  Senior Analyst at ADIT corporate intelligence group and Fellow Associate at Demeter Agricultural Thi, Brazil  •  SGS, Germany  •  Shanghai JiaoTong University, China  •  Shell, India  •  Shell, United Kingdom  •  Shell Deutschland, Germany  •  Shell Global Solutions, The Netherlands  •  Shenzhen University, China  •  Shiv Nadar Institution of Eminence, India  •  Silesian University of Technology, Poland  •  SINTEF, Norway  •  SKYNRG, The Netherlands  •  SLU, Sweden  •  SME Biovala, Lithuania  •  Société Sfaxi de Maintenance, Tunisia  •  Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania  •  SOLAGRO, France  •  South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Finland  •  Spanish Biocircularity Tech. Innovation Platform (BIOPLAT), Spain  •  SQ Consult, The Netherlands  •  SQ Insertec Europe S.L., Spain  •  State University of Ceara, Brazil  •  Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania  •  Stellenbosch University, South Africa  •  Stockholm Exergi, Sweden  •  Studio Gear Up B.V., The Netherlands  •  Sulzer Chemtech Ltd., Switzerland  •  SUNY-ESF, United States of America  •  Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand  •  Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet SLU SBT, Sweden  •  Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden  •  Syndicat des Energies Renouvelables, France  •  Taaleri Bioindustry, Finland  •  Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan  •  Technical University of Denmark, Denmark  •  Technical University of Munich, Germany  •  Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany  •  Technische Universität Berlin, Germany  •  Technische Universität München, Germany  •  Technological University Dublin, Ireland  •  Technology & Support Centre in the Centre of Excellence for Renewable Resources, Germany  •  Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico  •  Terres Univia, France  •  The Daily Digest, United States of America  •  The Fifth Estate, Australia  •  The LNM Institute of Information Technology,  Jaipur, India  •  The Second Research Institute of CAAC, China  •  The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan  •  The University of Manchester, United Kingdom  •  The University of Tokyo, Japan  •  THRECY International, France  •  TNO, The Netherlands  •  TNO – Energy & Materials Transition, Netherlands  •  Tokyo Gas, Japan  •  TotalEnergies, France  •  TotalEnergies OneTech, France  •  Trinity College Dublin, Ireland  •  TruAlt Bioenergy, India  •  Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa  •  Tsinghua University, China  •  TU Delft, The Netherlands  •  TU WIEN, Austria  •  Turboden, Italy  •  Turboden S.p.A., Italy  •  UC3M, Spain  •  UCSC, Chile  •  UFMG, Brazil  •  UFRJ, Brazil  •  UFSC, Brazil  •  UGI International, Sweden  •  Ulsan National University of Science and Technology, South Korea  •  UM5, Morocco  •  Umeå University, Sweden  •  UMONS, Belgium  •  UN Trade and Development, Spain  •  UNDV, France  •  UNIBS, Italy  •  UNICA, Brazil  •  Unimi, Italy  •  Unitau, Brazil  •  Univ. of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy, Bulgaria  •  Univerité Paris Saclay/ AgroParisTech, France  •  Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo León, Mexico  •  Universidad Católica De La Santísima Concepción, Chile  •  Universidad de Burgos, Spain  •  Universidad de Málaga, Spain  •  Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile  •  Universidad de Sevilla, Spain  •  Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain  •  Universidad Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas, Colombia  •  Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco, Mexico  •  Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, Colombia  •  Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Peru  •  Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador  •  Universidad Santiago de Chile, Chile  •  Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal  •  Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain  •  Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil  •  Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Brazil  •  Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Brazil  •  Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil  •  Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil  •  Universidade Federal do Pará, Brazil  •  Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil  •  Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal  •  Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy  •  Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy  •  Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy  •  Università degli Studi di Palermo, Italy  •  Università degli studi di Perugia, Italy  •  Università della Calabria, Italy  •  Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy  •  Università of Catania, Italy  •  Università Telematica  E-Campus, Italy  •  Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain  •  Universitat de Valencia, Spain  •  Universität für Bodenkulturen Wien, Austria  •  Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain  •  Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain  •  Universität Stuttgart, Germany  •  Université de Haute Alsace, France  •  Université de Lorraine, France  •  Université de Lorraine, LERMAB, France  •  Université de Sherbrooke, Canada  •  Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada  •  Université Paris Saclay/ AgroParisTech, France  •  Université Sherbrooke, Canada  •  University Carlos III Madrid, Spain  •  University Federal of Ceará, Brazil  •  University I.U. Colegio Mayor de Antioquia, Colombia  •  University Leipzig, Germany  •  University of Alberta, Canada  •  University of Antwerp, Belgium  •  University of Aveiro, Portugal  •  University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy  •  University of Bergen, Norway  •  University of Bologna, Italy  •  University of Brasilia, Brazil  •  University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Italy  •  University of Campinas, Brazil  •  University of Catania, Italy  •  University of Catania-Dip. Di3A, Italy  •  University of Chemical Technology & Metallurgy, Bulgaria  •  University of Dschang, Cameroon  •  University of Engineering & Technology,  Lahore, Pakistan  •  University of Enna – Kore, Italy  •  University of Florence, Italy  •  University of Genova, Italy  •  University of Ghent, Belgium  •  University of Glasgow, United Kingdom  •  University of Gondar, Ethiopia  •  University of Granada, Spain  •  University of Guelph Ridgetown Campus, Canada  •  University of Hohenheim, Germany  •  University of Jaen, Spain  •  University of Kentucky, United States of America  •  University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa  •  University of Leeds, United Kingdom  •  University of Manitoba, Canada  •  University of Milan, Italy  •  University of Molise, Italy  •  University of Mons, Belgium  •  University of Nairobi, Kenya  •  University of Nantes, France  •  University of Napoli Federico II, Italy  •  University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences, Serbia  •  University of Oran Ahmed Ben Bella, Algeria  •  University of Padova, Italy  •  University of Palermo, Italy  •  University of Perugia, Italy  •  University of Piraeus, Greece  •  University of Pisa, Italy  •  University of Pretoria, South Africa  •  University of Queensland- IIT Delhi Academy of Research, India  •  University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy  •  University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain  •  University of São Paulo, Brazil  •  University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland  •  University of Southampton, United Kingdom  •  University of Southern California, United States of America  •  University of Southern Denmark, Denmark  •  University of St Andrews, United Kingdom  •  University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom  •  University of Surrey, United Kingdom  •  University of Teesside, United Kingdom  •  University of Tehran, Iran  •  University of Trento, Italy  •  University of Turbat, Pakistan  •  University of Ulsan, South Korea  •  University of Valladolid, Spain  •  University of Western Macedonia, Greece  •  Univertity of Nantes, France  •  Uppsala University, Sweden  •  USDA – U.S. Mission to the EU, Belgium  •  USP Energy And Environment Institute, Brazil  •  UT SEMIDE, France  •  Utrecht University, Belgium  •  Utrecht University, The Netherlands  •  UWI Cave Hill Campus, Barbados  •  Valmet, France  •  Valmet Technologies, Finland  •  VALORIZA – Portalegre Polytechnic University, Portugal  •  VDB Verband der Deutschen Biokraftstoffindustrie e.V., Germany  •  VERDEMOBIL BIOGAZ, France  •  Verto Engineering GmbH, Austria  •  Vice President of Government Relations, Gevo, United States of America  •  VILNIUS ACADEMY OF ARTS, Lithuania  •  Visolis, United States of America  •  VITO – Flemish Institute Technological Research, Belgium  •  Volta Energy, Netherlands  •  VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland  •  Waga Energy, France  •  Wageningen Environmental Research, The Netherlands  •  Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, The Netherlands  •  Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands  •  Warsaw University of Technology, Poland  •  Washington University in St. Louis, United States of America  •  White Research, Belgium  •  Wiley-VCH, Germany  •  WIP Renewable Energies, Germany  •  World Bioenergy Association, Sweden  •  XIM University, India  •  Yucatan Center for Scientific Research, Mexico  •  Yucatan Scientific Research Center, Mexico  •  Zeton, Netherlands  •  ZUG – PtX Lab Lausitz, Germany