The Johannes Linneborn Prize was established in 1994 to honour scientific, technical or managerial merit in the development of biomass, attained over a long period of continuous achievements. It is primarily a European Award but can occasionally be awarded to a Non-European.
The Prize is awarded periodically to a single individual. The Prize cannot be shared nor given to an institution or team.
This periodicity is linked to the European Biomass Conference where the Prize is to be awarded in a solemn ceremony during the Opening Session.
The Linneborn Prize is granted by the Linneborn Prize Committee. The Linneborn Prize Committee must select the individual to be honoured with the Prize. The Committee must maintain the spirit of the Prize, implementing the necessary modifications to the By-law to ensure in perpetuity the selection of appropriate candidates.
This Committee is formed by: (a) all the past awardees, (b) the Chairperson of the Conference where the prize will be awarded; (c) its founder Dr. Wolfgang Palz, who instituted the Prize on behalf of the European Commission, or upon his resignation another representative of this body; (d) the conference organisers.
The Committee Chairman is nominated by the Committee after the Prize selection and his/her term will expire after the next prize selection. The Chairperson of the Committee can be re-elected.
Any decision of the Committee must be taken by the majority of votes among all members participating in the vote with the Chairperson’s vote deciding in case of a tie between opposite options. Assemblies and voting can be held without physical presence, but the usual rules of information and debate held in assemblies with physical presence must be respected in all cases. Secret votes are forbidden for the Committee members. Changes of the By-law have to be approved by a two thirds majority.
The Linneborn Prize consists of a diploma including a short notice of the Linneborn germinal achievement in biomass. It must also mention the edition of the Prize, the Awardee’s name and affiliation and a mention of the award motivation.
The prize is announced for submission of nominations. Nominations should be addressed to the Committee chair. Every nomination should be accompanied by a page of why the person who nominates someone believes that he/she deserves to get the award.
A person may not nominate him/herself. A person may not nominate someone from his/her organisation but always someone from another organisation.
Members of the Linneborn Prize Committee cannot be nominated.
Every person nominated for the Linneborn Prize is placed by the Committee Chair on a permanent list, provided the nominee fulfils the qualifications defined in Article 1.
Before each election the existing list of nominees is revised by one or several members of the Linneborn Prize Committee to assure that everybody on the list still fulfils the qualifications.
In any case the Chairperson, ex officio, can collect additional information on the nominees.
After consultation with the committee members the Committee Chair selects 5 candidates for a first vote of the committee taking new nominations and the existing list into account. At this stage every committee member can add one candidate to the list. He/she is not bound by the above mentioned list. The Committee Chair will then submit the final list to the committee for the vote. The procedure for this decision is laid down in paragraph 7.
The awardee will be notified of his/her selection by a letter jointly signed by the Conference Chairperson and the Linneborn Prize Committee Chairperson with time enough as to make possible the preparation of the ceremony. The awardee’s name should be kept confidential, as much as possible, until the ceremony.
The ceremony should consist of a Laudatio of the awardee, chosen by the Linneborn Prize Committee Chairperson, usually at the suggestion of the awardee, followed by the offering of the award itself, and finally by the acceptance and “thank you” speech given by the awardee.