Parallel Events

Sustainability and Responsibility in Advanced Biofuel Development Process

Monday 24 June 2024 | 16:15 - 18:30 | Exhibition Forum


Introduction to EU Refolution project:
Refinery integration, scale-up and certification for aviation and marine biofuels production

Sustainability and responsibility aspects in biofuel production and use:
Introduction of the Refolution Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework


Facilitated discussion about sustainability and responsibility issues of biofuels in aviation and marine contexts, based on the Refolution RRI framework

Reflections from Refolution RRI process

End of the session

This workshop is part of EU Refolution project, which aims to demonstrate the cost-effective production of advanced biofuels for aviation and marine sector via a process that can be implemented in existing European refineries.

The project especially targets aviation and marine transport, aiming to overcome obstacles in the way of creating CO2 reductions by using advanced biofuels instead of traditional fossil fuels.

A special Refolution Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) framework has been developed in the project to tackle the sustainability and responsibility issues regarding this demonstration process.

In this workshop we discuss the sustainability and responsibility questions based on the Refolution RRI framework.

The workshop is part of Refolution stakeholder communication process.

We invite all kinds of stakeholders to come and to discuss the sustainability and responsibility threats and advances together with us.


Nina Wessberg is a Principal Scientist at VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.) and an Associate Professor at the University of Tampere.
Her current interests are focused on ethics of technology, responsible innovations and socio-technical change.
She is also active in foresight and sustainable development. Wessberg´s educational background holds a doctoral degree in environmental policy. She has also a master degree in environmental technology.

Hanna Saari is a Research Scientist at VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd.).
She works with themes related to sustainability and responsibility, such as social responsibility in corporate settings, promoting responsibility in grass-roots innovations and RRI (Responsible Research and Innovation).
Saari holds a Master of Social Sciences degree.


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