Parallel Events
Getting Published in Academic Journals
Tuesday 25 June 2024 | 9:00 - 10:15 | Exhibition Forum
Heinz Ossenbrink
Former European Commission, JRC
- Pete Lewis
Biomass&Bioenergy, Elsevier’s Associate Publisher, Clean Energy & Technology - Zorana Repac
Journal Relations Specialist at MDPI - Cosmin Iulian Artan
Journal Relations Specialist at MDPI - David Baxter and Solange Mussatto
MDPI Energies, Special Issue - Kyriakos Maniatis
MDPI Sustainability, Special Issue - Nicolae Scarlat and Stefano Capaccioli
BioFPR, Special Issue
Q&A from the audience
This panel of scientific journal editors will offer insights into scholarly publishing and give advice for preparing manuscripts to give you the best chance of publishing in an international journal.
The session is suitable for PhD and Post Docs students, as well as for researchers who have experience in the dissemination their research results.
In this session we will also look specifically at getting published in Biomass and Bioenergy’s Special Edition, as well as MDPI Energies, MDPI Sustainability and BioFPR, calling on papers presented at EUBCE, so anyone interested in these special issues should attend, and ask any questions they may have.